Kujiro // TJ

I play game
I do art


Hello there.

I'm THEJACKLEY, I commonly go by TJ or Kujiro. I make content for people. For a deeper understanding, I make videos of me playing games or silly little shitposts and memes. I also do art, which, I rarely post on DeviantArt, but I plan to post more on there. I'll maybe make a Tumblr and post more on that as well. Yes, I do consider myself a furry, however, I do tend to have more sonas in different fandoms.I tend to post whenever I feel like it, or whenever I'm the least busy, as I am still in school and currently looking for a simple job. But if you have ideas for videos, feel free to let me know by telling me on my Discord server! (NOTE: The server is NOT ready yet. Give it some time. In the meantime, feel free to join Multiverse Beyond!)

As you may have read already in the About section, you would notice that I play games and make art, I do a lot more than just those two, but they're the main examples really. I tend to watch certain shows and movies I like and theorize on their certain universes, maybe see if I can connect them somehow (especially with shows and movies like the Owl House, Marvel Movies, and Star Wars, considering Disney owns all three).

The Goofy Videos

Here's an example of my videos! In fact, this is my first, and the one I'm most proud of. It's a Roblox: Evade video, sure, but it's still a good and golden video. Expect to see more videos soon, so, consider subscribing!(Editing note: because the video won't embed properly, just watch the video on youtube, the link to my channel should be found below!

Lirifox with a Gun

The Art

Here's an example of my art! This is one of my older works, but it is one of my favorites, and hopefully you'll like it too. My style consists mainly of weaponry, animalistic creatures (and yes, humans too sometimes), sci-fi fantasy, and of course, furry content. I also tend to do some really interesting effects with my art (which doesn't show here, but you can click on the image to the DeviantArt post, and you'll see the effects in action).I plan on making comics with my art, and maybe even animations. Expect to see those in the near future!

Game I Play
And You Should Too

This is just a general list of games that I play, and highly recommend trying out or fully playing for yourself!
Click on any image to go to their steam/gamejolt/roblox/website pages.

Please note: I also play any random game I can find! If you have any suggestions for a game for me to try out or play, let me know!

The Glorious Kin-List

You ever have a fictional character you just relate to at a high degree? That's what a kin is. Some people tend to make their kind their entire personality, others tend to just have some for the sake of it (they're still relatable characters).
Here's mine for an example! (Click on the images, you won't regret it.)

The DNI Shit

This should be simple. DNI stands for "Do Not Interact", which means if you are of the following being below, please don't do any form of interaction with me. Either because I would not like to have any quarels with you, or you are simply annoying as shit. (I'll separate the differences). Do know that some of these are targetted.

Please DNI if you are of the following below:

  • Homo/Transphobic

  • Racist

  • Sexist

  • Gatekeeping Freak

  • "Skibbidy Toilet" fans (You're annoying, and the joke has gone too far. Please stop.)

  • Zoophiles/Pedophiles

  • Mental Disorder Fakers (as an actual person with ADHD, this is disgraceful.)

  • Literally any Jujutsu Kaisen fan. (You're more annoying than those "skibbidy" freaks.)

  • People who can't accept rules for what they are.

Otherwise, you're cool :)